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This Costa Rica Hacienda Pilas Washed coffee has been roasted for espresso brewing methods, enjoy the peach acidity, clarity of flavour and lingering dark chocolate notes.

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Each single origin coffee we purchase is carefully chosen for its character, fragrance, sweetness and body, to showcase the coffees from that farm.  We roast these single origin coffees a little lighter to enhance the specific characteristics from each crop.  This tends to give a focus on these roasted coffees for drinking black, extracted by filter or espresso to highlight the unique characteristics however this lovely coffee has the body and depth of flavour to shine in both black and milk drinks.

Origin: Costa Rica
Region: San Jerónimo de Naranjo
Producer: Eduardo Pacheco
Score: 86
Varietals: Catuai
Altitude: 1000 - 1200 MASL
Process: Washed
Roast Level:  Light-Medium
Body: Light-Medium
Roasted For: Espresso
Brewing Method:  Espresso, Moka Pot, AeroPress, Plunger and Cold Brew
Tasting Notes: Nectarine, peach, dark chocolate

Hacienda Pilas is located in the Costa Rica’s West Valley in the Naranjo area with its rich volcanic soils and an altitude of 1000 to 1200 metres. West Valley is known for its high-quality coffee, helped its climate and distinct dry and wet seasons.

Owned and managed by Eduardo Gurdian Pacheco, a passionate and experienced coffee agronomist with extensive experience in Costa Rica and Sumatra. Eduardo’s family have generations of coffee growing experience in Costa Rica, something that shows in the quality of the estate’s coffee. The attention to detail on the estate is eye-opening especially as climate change begins to make an impact. Rains are not as predictable which means different varietals are being tried and trees that struggle are removed and replaced. Eduardo has brought in bees to help with pollination and even they are looked after carefully. [“they are my little workers, part of the family”] Even the plants that are grown to halt erosion have suffered, Eduardo has found another type that is hardier, faster growing and can be used for animal feed.

Hacienda Pilas is dedicated to the growth and production of coffee under strict sustainable and social labour practices. Currently the Hacienda employs more than 30 permanent workers, plus 200 pickers during the harvest season. Its 160 hectares of Catuai coffee grow on fertile volcanic soils on altitude between 1000 to 1200 metres above sea level, classified as Good Hard Bean according the international standards.