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  • The Mechanika Max from ECM incorporates the brands Smart HX. Packed full of features the Max is an incredibly flexible machine, with over 19 different menu options to deliver a personalised coffee experience, with incredible temperature stability and brew control for a Heat Exchange machine.

    Mechanika Max has a brew temperature consistency, expected from a dual boiler machine. This is thanks to the Smart HX system, with two PID controls built into the machine. One located in the boiler, and a second probe in the brew group inlet, monitoring the actual brew water and ensuring that the set temperature of the thermosyphon system is maintained. Resulting in incredibly accurate brew water temperature.

    With a range of other features incorporated into this compact machine, Max is one of the most innovative and well delivered HX machines available.

Free 3kg Coffee Beans and Free Training This machine comes with 3KG of premium coffee beans and training with our head barista.